Article Created on May 10, 2023

This article contains references that I used while developing on Raspberry Pi 3 and 4.

Documentation relevant to Raspberry Pi

Creating SystemD Services

The objective is to start a python script during boot time. In the following example, the name of the python script is

Create a new file with .service extension in /lib/systemd/system/ directory.

Enter the following text in the file:

Description=My New Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/



Boot-Time Optimization

Following are some of the useful articles that I went through to reduce the boot-time of Raspberry Pi.

Bluetooth Low Energy with BlueZ

Following are the articles that were useful to me while writing an application for Raspberry Pi 4 to communicate to a smartphone using BLE. I used DBUS with Python bindings to communicate to BlueZ via DBUS. I used nRF Connect app in Android phone to test the application.

Location Update using Mapbox

Creating HTML user interfaces

The following are the articles on creating user interface using HTML-CSS and communicating with the user interface using Python and Javascript. The framework used is Eel which uses WebSockets.